
This is a Julia API for Devito. it provides a Julia API's for a sub-set of Devito, supporting Grid's, Function's, TimeFunction's and SparseTimeFunction's for both their serial and domain decomposed MPI variants.

Construction of a Devito stencil

The procedure for constructing a stencil operator consists of five parts:

  1. Construction of a Grid object containing grid size and spacing information on which the stencil will operate
  2. Construction of TimeFunction or Function objects that hold the actual arrays on which the stencil will operate
  3. Construction of SparseTimeFunction objects that hold source and receiver data for injection and retrieval during the stencil operation
  4. Construction of Eqn objects (equation objects) that specify the equations that the stencil operator will carry out
  5. Construction of the operator object which generates the low level C code fo rthe stencil operator

Following this the operator may be executed. An example of these five steps is detailed below

1. Definition of the Grid object

The Grid object is specified by initializing extent, spacing, and origin tuples in the constructor. Dimension objects contain the abstract spacing variables used by SymPy in specifying abstract equations in the stencil definition

spacet=Constant(name="h_t", dt) 
spacex=Constant(name="h_x", spacing[1]) 
spacez=Constant(name="h_z", spacing[2])
grid=Grid(extent=extent, shape=shpe, origin=origin, dimensions=(x,z), time_dimension=t)

Note that unlike with the Devito Python implementation, which is column-major, all tuples involving dimensions are passed in row-major ordering. This row-major ordering convention is consistent throughout Devito.jl

2. Construction of time and space functions

Parameters on the grid are specified using Function objects, while time dependent fields are specified using TimeFunction objects, as in this 2D elastic example:

bx=Devito.Function(name= "bx" ,grid=grid, staggered=x,     space_order=so)
bz=Devito.Function(name= "bz" ,grid=grid, staggered=z,     space_order=so)
c11=Devito.Function(name="c11",grid=grid, space_order=so)
c33=Devito.Function(name="c33",grid=grid, space_order=so)
c55=Devito.Function(name="c55",grid=grid, staggered=(x,z), space_order=so)
c13=Devito.Function(name="c13",grid=grid, space_order=so)
vx=TimeFunction(name="vx",      grid=grid,space_order=so, staggered=x, time_order=1)
vz=TimeFunction(name="vz",      grid=grid,space_order=so, staggered=z, time_order=1)
tauxx=TimeFunction(name="tauxx",grid=grid,space_order=so,                  time_order=1)
tauzz=TimeFunction(name="tauzz",grid=grid,space_order=so,                  time_order=1)
tauxz=TimeFunction(name="tauxz",grid=grid,space_order=so, staggered=(x,z), time_order=1)

In this example, the data() function returns a view to the Function's internal data, which is then initialized from an externally defined arrays mp and mu.

3. Construction of SparseTimeFunctions

SparseTimeFunctions are used to inject source and retrieve receiver information during the stencil operations

src = SparseTimeFunction(name="src", grid=grid, npoint=1, nt=nt)
src_coords = coordinates(src)
src_coords .= [625.0; 5.0]
src_data = data(src)
src_data.= ricker(nt,dt,f0)
src_term = inject(src; field=forward(tauxx), expr=src)

In this example, the source is created with an external function ricker(), which is then used to initialize the SparseTimeFunction data that will be injected into the time function forward(tauxx)

4. Construction of stencil equations

Stencil equations are created using the Eqn constructor

eqvx = Eq(forward(vx), vx + dt*bx*dx(tauxx) + dt*bx*dz(tauxz, x0=z) - dt*damp*vx)
eqvz = Eq(forward(vz), vz + dt*bz*dx(tauxz, x0=x) + dt*bz*dz(tauzz) - dt*damp*vz)

In this particular fragment from an elastic 2D example, damp is an externally defined array for damping at the boundaries, vx and vz are particle velocities, and the tau variables are the stresses

5. Construction of the operator

Construction of the operator requires a list containing all objects created using the inject(), interpolate(), and Eq() functions:

op=Operator(op_list, subs=spacing_map(grid))

where op_list contains the objects comprising the stencil.

Data access

Devito.jl provides a Julia array interface for convenient and fast (copy-free) access to the Devito numpy arrays. For example,

using Devito

configuration!("language", "openmpi")
configuration!("mpi", false)

configuration() # show the Devito configuration

g = Grid(shape=(10,20,30))
f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=g, space_order=8)
d = data(f)
d_with_halo = data_with_halo(f)
d_with_inhalo = data_with_inhalo(f)

In the above code listing:

  • d is a view of the underlying numpy array that excludes Devito's exterior and interior halo padding
  • d_with_halo is a view that includes Devito's exterior halo padding, but excludes its interior halo padding
  • d_with_inhalo is a view that includes Divito's exterior and interior halo padding

If we are running with MPI turned on, then the data, data_with_halo and data_with_inhalo methods return a view to an MPI domain distributed array. This array can be gathered to the rank 0 MPI rank with the convert method:

using Devito

configuration!("language", "openmpi")
configuration!("mpi", true)

g = Grid(shape=(10,20,30))
f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=g, space_order=8)
d = data(f)
p = parent(d) # array local to this MPI rank
_d = convert(Array, d) # _d is an Array on MPI rank 0 gathered from `d` which is decomposed accross all MPI ranks

Please see the demo folder in this package for more details.

In general, the wrapping of Devito functionality uses the same function and argument names as in the original Python implementation, with python class members being accessed in Julia through functions having the same name as the member, and taking the class object as the first argument. For more details, please refer to the Devito website